Bishop Emmanuel Badejo
( Bishop of Oyo Diocese)
All the different groups composing the body of Christ have both the right and duty to be active in the Church's mission. The Church is the body of Christ, the people of God, that group which St Peter has sweetly described as '“a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people of his own, so that you may announce the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Once you were 'no people' but now you are God's people you 'had not received mercy' but now you have received mercy” (1Pt. 2:9-10). I just love that description and I risk being considered flippant by saying that not even the great apostle Paul wrote one that exactly matches it. No wonder St. Peter was the one chosen to be the first “Papa” of Christ's church! The words of Peter about God's people refer to men and women together and equally. Luckily, not many prophets or pastors contest that today! When Moses came down from Mount Sinai, he did not bring a different stone tablet for men and another for the women. Both share the same destiny. When Jesus said “Be perfect just as your heavenly father is perfect”, he certainly meant it for both men and women too. I just want to do a little Biblical panorama, to expose a little bit the role of women in the Church towards evangelization. Hopefully this will encouraged someone to navigate the Bible and by inspiration, tease out what each person could do in evangelization according to capacity. After all the Bible is the word of God and along with the teaching office and the Apostolic Tradition, is a source of authority in the Church.
The Holy Bible tells us about many women who through their lives influenced the life of their people in a tremendous and substantial way. Some changed the destinies of their people negatively. Others did so positively. When all hope was lost the latter brought hope to their people. Let us look briefly at the six most famous women of the Bible starting from the inevitable beginning: Eve was the mother of all but fell.
According to the Bible, to the deceit of the devil. Don't be deceived though by the popular saying that it is through her alone that humanity fell. Adam was equally guilty. True, Eve should have said “no” to the devil but Adam could have done the same and he did not. In fact it was Adam who got the dishonor for causing our death, not Eve (1 Cor 15:22). Eve will creditably represent other non-models in the Bible like Jezebel, Saphira, Drusilla, Bernice and others. They are really not our focus here. Let us dwell on the positive.
Mary the Mother of Jesus is an obvious super-case-study in greatness. In fact all I should have done is to recommend her as a model and in her own words, to do whatever she tells you. After all, she made room for God's angel, was filled with the Holy Spirit and bore the son of God in her womb. Who can be more evangelizing in character? In brief, Mary represents the idea of active participation in the life of grace. Her journey of faith led her down a path of uncertainty, sorrow and joy. It led to more questions than answers, but it ultimately ended in eternal happiness. In addition her life and her disposition brought salvation to multitudes. Check out her active participation in God's saving work (which is essentially what evangelization means). Mary had a conversation with the Angel Gabriel whereas her cousin, Zechariah argues with him. She accepts, consents to, and practices the Word of God as revealed to her. Instead of just passively listening, Mary “goes in haste” to serve her elderly cousin Elizabeth for her last three months of pregnancy. She interceded for her friends at their wedding when an embarrassing moment occurred and they ran out of wine. She then told us about Jesus her son “do whatever he tells you” Mary shows us that God indeed uses women to accomplish his work as much as he uses the men (Luke 1-2, John 2).
Mary Magdalene was a friend of Jesus'. We see her role in Luke 8:1-3, Matthew 27, and Mark 15: 47 among others. She supported Jesus and his disciples staunchly. Jesus, during his time depended with his disciples, on the kindness of people around him. Mary Magdalene along with Joana, Susanna and Chuza took care of them from their own means. Very clearly and in spite of all opposition, she did her part out of love. She was the one Jesus sent to the apostles to announce His resurrection (Mark 16:9, John 20:18) and has often been called the “apostle to the apostles”. She did not mind doing that nor did she try to usurp the role of the apostles. She simply played her part. We have had such examples among us but they are yet too few and we surely need more.
Ruth and Naomi refused to surrender to being victims of their circumstances. Our age may be evil but our lives must redeem it, remember? They accepted and worked within the framework of God's plan. They endured hardships and even as foreigners endured hardship with integrity until they earned great respect in the story of salvation. Ruth even got her name on the genealogy of Jesus. What a great honour! (Cf Ruth and Matthew 1).
Judith's book is well-worth reading for us all. She is even prettier, more intriguing and more courageous than the lovely queen Esther. She used everything she had to good advantage for the “salvation” of her people. She was an icon of courage and bold decisive action all deployed to save her people. Her great courage revived the fortunes of Israel when it was clear that their fate was sealed. Her accomplishments seem to me even greater than those of Esther who is more famous than Judith as I have discovered.
Esther, the great woman in spite of her high position, refused to allow her position to isolate her from the destiny and needs of her people. I trust that you know the story. Would that many women learn in leadership and privileged positions would learn and follow their example. Esther's actions too deserve to be learnt from the Bible. They can inspire yours too in evangelization. Of course, there were many others, without whom the work of the apostles, the first trained evangelizers, could not have succeeded. Devout and charitable Dorcas (Acts 9), self-made Lydia, so generous and joyful (Acts 13), and pious Priscilla who was generous and also played the role of a teacher (Acts 18:2, 26; Romans 16:3; 2Timothy 4 19). Phoebe was a deaconess (Romans 16:1) and Eunice and Lois fostered the faith as good examples of mother and daughters who lived their life for the gospel. All these women had one characteristic or the other which clearly indicate what the role of women ought to be in the work of evangelization.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Rev. Fr. Leonard O. Anetekhai
In the next sixty days, Nigeria will be fifty years as an independent nation and I say Happy Anniversary in advance to my dear mother land. As a people with great passion for celebrations, we shall at least with the funds allocated for the celebrations roll out our drums, our attires in different colours and shades will rock the air, even our masquerades both political and spiritual will be on ground to entertain our guests from within and outside the country. The Nigerian Child whose future is never thought of except on paper and television screens will be compared to make march past and celebrate a troubled and ill society, they have found themselves.
In most countries, even in some African countries were some of our leaders send their children to live and study, there is that conviction that, every child has a right to their childhood a hopeful existence free of exploitation, violence, neglect, and extreme poverty. To experience childhood to the fullest and eventually develop into healthy, capable adults, every child needs good health services, consistent support systems as well as love, hope, encouragement and of value to him or her is good and quality education.
In 2009, we marked the country's 49th birthday against the background of stories about religious crisis, kidnapping, murder in broad daylight, election rigging, corruption and general anarchy. And these are still steering us hard in the face. The national mood is po-faced. Our country has been rebranded into a country of fraudulent bank CEOs and criminal debtors. The world used to talk about plain 419 scams, but we have now added political 419 and banking 419 to the national profile, thereby making our economy more porous. Today, we hear that the NNPC is insolvent and tomorrow they say it is not, who is fooling who? Nothing describes our failure as a country better than the woeful performance of our national football teams in the just concluded FIFA World cup in South-Africa.
It is disheartening to say that the world is passing us by and the only tool to face this challenge and reach an acceptable standard is not been given the required attention. With everybody chasing the shadow of money, and with the pittance sum invested yearly on education, how can the system produce the critical and creative minds Nigeria needs to guide and manage democratic system and survive as a viable nation, if the government continues to neglect her schools and the pride of her citizens - education? Agree or disagree, the lack of good education in Nigeria is the prime factor to many social ills and the break down in law and order in our society.
Without good education for the Nigerian Child now, we are sure of a blink future, except those in the corridor of power will live forever. Soon, very soon, the political landscape of Nigeria would be littered with illiterate politicians and the society would be incapable of gathering and maintaining a reasonable database for national planning and other development programs. To avoid this, our political leaders should begin now to re-order their priorities, as their priorities have so far been dictated by how much they will gain from any policy decision (by ways of contracts), and not how they will benefit the society as a whole.
As a society, we can only get what we have put into it, be it human or structural resources. At fifty, we must begin to change our value system and invest on education, which is the intellectual laboratory of any nation and the engine that propels the economy. For 'without a formidable intellectual base' it is not likely that any society will move forward. The government must invest more on the Nigerian child, to avoid future nuisance roaming the streets. As Rousseau will say, “People are amenable only when they are young; in old age they become incurable. Once (bad habits) and customs are established and prejudices ingrained, it is a dangerous and futile enterprise to try to reform them; the people cannot bear to have the diseases treated, even in order to destroy it, like those stupid and fearful patients who tremble at the sight of the physician”
Our educational institutions in general are in dire need, the most troubled and devastating one is the primary education sector. If we look around our primary schools in some local government areas in Nigeria, we begin to wonder if there are local government chairmen in those places. We find schools with no buildings of any type, just a sign post to show direction, classes are held under trees and even some with buildings painted with UBE inscriptions, are still waiting to be commissioned, when the Nigerian Child is suffering under rain and sun to learn. The quality of lectures conducted under these inhumane conditions will not be anything to be proud of and will never produce good result for the Nigerian child.
The need to improve higher education should begin with greater attention to our preschool, elementary, secondary, and vocational schools. These areas are the building blocks of society's educational foundation, as not everyone needs a university education to be productive in life. It is not enough to provide free primary education; the government should equip the school and train teachers to meet with the standards of our changing world. Also, the private sector should assist in the form of financial and material donations, and collaborate with institutions of higher learning to help the primary and secondary schools to improve their teaching standards, governance, and their community relations.
If Nigeria can not give adequate and quality education to students at the elementary and secondary level, the tertiary institutions would continue to be populated by those who are least prepared to face the rigours of university education. And 'cultism,' 'intimidation of lecturer into better grades', examination malpractice and other vices will continue to blossom in our institutions.
The year 2020, is ten years away (then we shall be sixty years as an independent nation) and there are no signs that we are ready to achieve a phenomenal growth in the areas of education. If the government provides or educates its citizens through functional education, embark on massive rehabilitation, funding and equipping of our schools in all stages and tiers of the educational sector, then the Nigerian Child will take his or her right places in social, political, economic and even religious well-being of our society and we shall endeavours to reach great heights and be among the world greatest countries by 2020.
Rev. Fr. Stan-William Ede
This topic has been featured twice before, the last being exactly two years ago. Due to the repeated number of questions regarding it, we have decided to re-feature it this month, being the month of the Solemnity of the Assumption which the Church celebrates on the 15th of August every year.
Mary the Mother of Jesus who brought forth into the world the Life that renews all things was enriched by God with gifts appropriate to such a role. It is no wonder then that the Virgin Mary is hailed by the heralding angel, by divine command, as “full of grace” (cf. Lk. 1:28), thus revealing further that, from the very first instant of conception, Mary was enriched with the splendour of an entirely unique holiness.
Among the many questions that have been asked concerning the Blessed Virgin Mary, that of the Assumption of Mary has been paramount, along with where and how this doctrine is reflected in the Bible. Indeed, we know that according to the faith and teaching of the Church, “Mary was taken up body and soul into heavenly glory … and exalted by the Lord as Queen over all” (Lumen Genium, 59), that she might be more fully conformed to her Son, the Lord of lords (cf. Rev. 19:16).
Without further mincing words, let us examine our biblical point of reference to the Assumption Rev. 11:19; 12:1-5:
“Then God's temple in heaven was opened, and the ark of his covenant was seen within his temple …. And a great portent appeared in heaven, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head, a crown of twelve stars: she was with child and she cried out in her pangs of birth, in anguish for delivery. … She brought forth a male child, one who is to rule all the nations with a golden sceptre.”
As we proceed now to expatiate on this text, it is pertinent to note that apart from the message of this text, our faith depends on the Church, which the Holy Spirit leads into the entire truth (Jn. 16:13); and the Church has gradually penetrated more deeply into the mystery of Mary, the woman full of Grace, the all holy and worthy Mother of the Lord Jesus Christ, the King of Glory; by whose merit she is crowned Queen of heaven and earth.
Everyone who reads the Bible is aware that the Book of Revelations is a difficult book because it is full of mysteries. It is written for Christians who are very familiar with the texts of the Old Testament and with the teachings of the Apostles, especially as recorded in the Gospel of John. It is only in the light of the Bible as a whole that we can see what the Book of Revelation is telling us about Mary.
It is of Mary's glory the Bible speaks when the Book of Revelation speaks to us of the “woman” who appeared as “a great portent (sign) in heaven”, a woman clothed in radiant glory, mistress and captor of the moon, and with a victorious crown of twelve stars, that already foretell, as it were, the glory of the Church. Is this not the woman who brought the messianic king into the world?
As far as allusions to the other parts of the Bible are concerned, we are drawn quite naturally to the 7th Chapter of Isaiah where God speaks through the prophet to King Ahaz of Jerusalem when the city was under siege: “Ask a sign of the Lord your God; let it be as deep as sheol or as high as Heaven”. But Ahaz said, “I will not ask”. Isaiah said, “Hear then, O house of David! ... The Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold a young woman shall conceive and bear a son … he shall rule over all the nations” (Is. 7:11-14). In allusion to the birth of the Messiah, the book of Revelations likewise gives us a sign in heaven, a pregnant woman who is going to bear a son that will rule over all the nations (cf. Rev. 12:1-6). Thus in heaven, the conception and birth of the Messiah is accomplished as a sign to indicate the fullest presence, body and soul, of the Virgin Mary in the abode of her God and Son.
The woman is “clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet”. These expressions recall chapter 60 of Isaiah, in which we read: “Arise and shine, for your light has come, the glory of the Lord has risen upon you” (Is. 60:1). The woman also had on her head a crown of twelve stars (cf. Gen. 37:9). In Revelations, a “crown” is always a sign of victory. The “twelve stars” symbolize “the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel” (Rev. 21:12), that is, the entire people of God, which is also the Church “of the twelve apostles of the Lamb” (Rev. 21:14). The woman then is an image of Sion, the Jerusalem of the prophets, a realization has given birth to the new people of God that we are.
Worthy of note is the fact that Rev. 12:1-6 bears a lot of relationship with Jn. 19:25-27, and this too, bears amplitude of significance for our Christian faith as the people of God whom Christ has sanctified.
In John 19:25-27, three traits characterized the Mother of Jesus: (i) The insistence with which the Mother of Jesus is called “woman”. The coincidence in this regard between the two scenes of Cana (Jn. 2:1-11) and of Calvary (Jn. 19:25-27), expresses an intention which is of great spiritual and doctrinal import. In particular, it is the fact that Mary is the “Woman par excellence” who is able to intercede on our behalf and succeed, that she is given as Mother to all Christians represented at the foot of the Cross by John the beloved disciple; (ii) Thus, with Jesus, Mary has all Christians, men and women, as sons and daughters, for the Saviour himself gave his beloved Mother, a woman highly exalted and most blessed amongst women (cf. Lk. 1: 28, 42) to us as our Mother also; (iii) This universal and spiritual maternity is united to Golgotha in which Mary plays a very noble role in the mystery of salvation. Thus having been highly exalted and clothed with the sun, she reigns in the glory of her Son, and crowned as Queen of heaven and earth (cf. Rev. 12:1).
There are so many other references regarding the exaltation of Mary by God which makes her most deserving of being with her Son, body and soul, in his kingdom, where she has to continue her intercession for the world and all human beings.
God's choice of Mary for her exalted role in the history of salvation was neither accidental nor coincidental. Selection by an infinitely wise God is not a haphazard proceeding. God greatly prepared her for this mission, making her to be conceived without sin and bestowing holiness and fitness upon her above all others for the immense dignity.
Yes, Mary was conceived immaculately, i.e., without sin, a privilege that no other human person has had. In other words, even though Mary was a human being, she was not just an ordinary woman. Among human beings, there are degrees of dignity, and she occupied the highest degree. God made a woman who will separate Grace and sin, for He said there would be “great enmity” between the woman and the serpent (Gen. 3: 15). So from the first moment of her conception, the woman (conceived without sin) was preserved by the grace of God from falling into Satan's grasp.
At the incarnation, God Almighty took flesh in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary. God who is most holy could not have afforded to dwell in a sinful body for as long as nine months (period of conception). “It is fitting that we should have an ideal high priest; holy, innocent, uncontaminated, and separated from sinners” (Heb. 7:26), hence the woman Mary was preserved from sin. This is made evident at the annunciation where she was introduced into the mystery of Christ by the message of the angel Gabriel; “Hail, Most Highly Favoured One (Full of Grace), The Lord is with you” (Luke 1:28).
To be full of grace means to be spotless, and that explains why God is with her in fullness and majesty. In these few words, heaven itself announced how great the realm of grace was that came to Mary. She herself is “full of grace”. The kingdom of God came to Marty in the fullest possible means; hence, God is with her. He dwelt in her womb and thus made her the first tabernacle of God's presence here on earth, a living sanctuary of holiness and love.
Because she had no sin, her body was not subjected to the corruptibility of our perishable bodies which is the effect of our sins. God who chose her for her specific role in Christ's salvific mission, who dwells in her, and who raised Jesus from the dead, gave life to Mary's body too (cf. Rom 8:11) along with her soul, and for this reason, she was assumed body and soul into heaven to be crowned Queen of heaven and earth.
Thus, on 1st November 1950, the Church defined the Dogma of the Assumption. Pope Pius XII under the guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit (cf. Jn. 16:13-14) and with the authority bequeathed to him by the Lord Jesus Christ (cf. Matt. 16:18,19; 18:18; Jn. 21: 15-17), pronounced the definition, a part of which reads: “Finally, at the end of her earthly life, the Immaculate Virgin, preserved from every stain of original sin, was taken up body and soul into heavenly glory, and exalted by the Lord as Queen over all things, that she might be more fully conformed to her Son, the Lord of lords (cf. Rev. 19:16) and Conqueror of sin and death”.
We know that Christ is the King of kings and Lord of Lords, we must then know also that his Mother is in Heaven, and that the mother of the king rejoices in Royal Majesty. That is why Jesus Christ revealed it to his beloved disciple, John in the Book of Revelation which has been our basis in espousing this Divine truth: “A great sign appeared in the sky, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars” (Rev. 12:1).
Having known this, we should know also that the relationship between the believer and Mary is more than that of a pilgrim and a guide. The relationship is maternal. She is our Queen and our Mother, and as it were, the locus, sign and “living icon” of the Holy Spirit. Since the spirit is her life (Cf. Gal. 5:25), she disposes us in a concrete way to live according to the Spirit of Jesus, the Spirit of the love between God the Father and God the Son, and at the same time the Spirit causes Christ to be born and to grow in us. Taken up to Heaven, Mary did not lay aside this saving office, but by her manifold intercession, continues to bring us the gifts of life and eternal salvation.
Rev. Fr. Stan-William Ede
This topic has been featured twice before, the last being exactly two years ago. Due to the repeated number of questions regarding it, we have decided to re-feature it this month, being the month of the Solemnity of the Assumption which the Church celebrates on the 15th of August every year.
Mary the Mother of Jesus who brought forth into the world the Life that renews all things was enriched by God with gifts appropriate to such a role. It is no wonder then that the Virgin Mary is hailed by the heralding angel, by divine command, as “full of grace” (cf. Lk. 1:28), thus revealing further that, from the very first instant of conception, Mary was enriched with the splendour of an entirely unique holiness.
Among the many questions that have been asked concerning the Blessed Virgin Mary, that of the Assumption of Mary has been paramount, along with where and how this doctrine is reflected in the Bible. Indeed, we know that according to the faith and teaching of the Church, “Mary was taken up body and soul into heavenly glory … and exalted by the Lord as Queen over all” (Lumen Genium, 59), that she might be more fully conformed to her Son, the Lord of lords (cf. Rev. 19:16).
Without further mincing words, let us examine our biblical point of reference to the Assumption Rev. 11:19; 12:1-5:
“Then God's temple in heaven was opened, and the ark of his covenant was seen within his temple …. And a great portent appeared in heaven, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head, a crown of twelve stars: she was with child and she cried out in her pangs of birth, in anguish for delivery. … She brought forth a male child, one who is to rule all the nations with a golden sceptre.”
As we proceed now to expatiate on this text, it is pertinent to note that apart from the message of this text, our faith depends on the Church, which the Holy Spirit leads into the entire truth (Jn. 16:13); and the Church has gradually penetrated more deeply into the mystery of Mary, the woman full of Grace, the all holy and worthy Mother of the Lord Jesus Christ, the King of Glory; by whose merit she is crowned Queen of heaven and earth.
Everyone who reads the Bible is aware that the Book of Revelations is a difficult book because it is full of mysteries. It is written for Christians who are very familiar with the texts of the Old Testament and with the teachings of the Apostles, especially as recorded in the Gospel of John. It is only in the light of the Bible as a whole that we can see what the Book of Revelation is telling us about Mary.
It is of Mary's glory the Bible speaks when the Book of Revelation speaks to us of the “woman” who appeared as “a great portent (sign) in heaven”, a woman clothed in radiant glory, mistress and captor of the moon, and with a victorious crown of twelve stars, that already foretell, as it were, the glory of the Church. Is this not the woman who brought the messianic king into the world?
As far as allusions to the other parts of the Bible are concerned, we are drawn quite naturally to the 7th Chapter of Isaiah where God speaks through the prophet to King Ahaz of Jerusalem when the city was under siege: “Ask a sign of the Lord your God; let it be as deep as sheol or as high as Heaven”. But Ahaz said, “I will not ask”. Isaiah said, “Hear then, O house of David! ... The Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold a young woman shall conceive and bear a son … he shall rule over all the nations” (Is. 7:11-14). In allusion to the birth of the Messiah, the book of Revelations likewise gives us a sign in heaven, a pregnant woman who is going to bear a son that will rule over all the nations (cf. Rev. 12:1-6). Thus in heaven, the conception and birth of the Messiah is accomplished as a sign to indicate the fullest presence, body and soul, of the Virgin Mary in the abode of her God and Son.
The woman is “clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet”. These expressions recall chapter 60 of Isaiah, in which we read: “Arise and shine, for your light has come, the glory of the Lord has risen upon you” (Is. 60:1). The woman also had on her head a crown of twelve stars (cf. Gen. 37:9). In Revelations, a “crown” is always a sign of victory. The “twelve stars” symbolize “the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel” (Rev. 21:12), that is, the entire people of God, which is also the Church “of the twelve apostles of the Lamb” (Rev. 21:14). The woman then is an image of Sion, the Jerusalem of the prophets, a realization has given birth to the new people of God that we are.
Worthy of note is the fact that Rev. 12:1-6 bears a lot of relationship with Jn. 19:25-27, and this too, bears amplitude of significance for our Christian faith as the people of God whom Christ has sanctified.
In John 19:25-27, three traits characterized the Mother of Jesus: (i) The insistence with which the Mother of Jesus is called “woman”. The coincidence in this regard between the two scenes of Cana (Jn. 2:1-11) and of Calvary (Jn. 19:25-27), expresses an intention which is of great spiritual and doctrinal import. In particular, it is the fact that Mary is the “Woman par excellence” who is able to intercede on our behalf and succeed, that she is given as Mother to all Christians represented at the foot of the Cross by John the beloved disciple; (ii) Thus, with Jesus, Mary has all Christians, men and women, as sons and daughters, for the Saviour himself gave his beloved Mother, a woman highly exalted and most blessed amongst women (cf. Lk. 1: 28, 42) to us as our Mother also; (iii) This universal and spiritual maternity is united to Golgotha in which Mary plays a very noble role in the mystery of salvation. Thus having been highly exalted and clothed with the sun, she reigns in the glory of her Son, and crowned as Queen of heaven and earth (cf. Rev. 12:1).
There are so many other references regarding the exaltation of Mary by God which makes her most deserving of being with her Son, body and soul, in his kingdom, where she has to continue her intercession for the world and all human beings.
God's choice of Mary for her exalted role in the history of salvation was neither accidental nor coincidental. Selection by an infinitely wise God is not a haphazard proceeding. God greatly prepared her for this mission, making her to be conceived without sin and bestowing holiness and fitness upon her above all others for the immense dignity.
Yes, Mary was conceived immaculately, i.e., without sin, a privilege that no other human person has had. In other words, even though Mary was a human being, she was not just an ordinary woman. Among human beings, there are degrees of dignity, and she occupied the highest degree. God made a woman who will separate Grace and sin, for He said there would be “great enmity” between the woman and the serpent (Gen. 3: 15). So from the first moment of her conception, the woman (conceived without sin) was preserved by the grace of God from falling into Satan's grasp.
At the incarnation, God Almighty took flesh in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary. God who is most holy could not have afforded to dwell in a sinful body for as long as nine months (period of conception). “It is fitting that we should have an ideal high priest; holy, innocent, uncontaminated, and separated from sinners” (Heb. 7:26), hence the woman Mary was preserved from sin. This is made evident at the annunciation where she was introduced into the mystery of Christ by the message of the angel Gabriel; “Hail, Most Highly Favoured One (Full of Grace), The Lord is with you” (Luke 1:28).
To be full of grace means to be spotless, and that explains why God is with her in fullness and majesty. In these few words, heaven itself announced how great the realm of grace was that came to Mary. She herself is “full of grace”. The kingdom of God came to Marty in the fullest possible means; hence, God is with her. He dwelt in her womb and thus made her the first tabernacle of God's presence here on earth, a living sanctuary of holiness and love.
Because she had no sin, her body was not subjected to the corruptibility of our perishable bodies which is the effect of our sins. God who chose her for her specific role in Christ's salvific mission, who dwells in her, and who raised Jesus from the dead, gave life to Mary's body too (cf. Rom 8:11) along with her soul, and for this reason, she was assumed body and soul into heaven to be crowned Queen of heaven and earth.
Thus, on 1st November 1950, the Church defined the Dogma of the Assumption. Pope Pius XII under the guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit (cf. Jn. 16:13-14) and with the authority bequeathed to him by the Lord Jesus Christ (cf. Matt. 16:18,19; 18:18; Jn. 21: 15-17), pronounced the definition, a part of which reads: “Finally, at the end of her earthly life, the Immaculate Virgin, preserved from every stain of original sin, was taken up body and soul into heavenly glory, and exalted by the Lord as Queen over all things, that she might be more fully conformed to her Son, the Lord of lords (cf. Rev. 19:16) and Conqueror of sin and death”.
We know that Christ is the King of kings and Lord of Lords, we must then know also that his Mother is in Heaven, and that the mother of the king rejoices in Royal Majesty. That is why Jesus Christ revealed it to his beloved disciple, John in the Book of Revelation which has been our basis in espousing this Divine truth: “A great sign appeared in the sky, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars” (Rev. 12:1).
Having known this, we should know also that the relationship between the believer and Mary is more than that of a pilgrim and a guide. The relationship is maternal. She is our Queen and our Mother, and as it were, the locus, sign and “living icon” of the Holy Spirit. Since the spirit is her life (Cf. Gal. 5:25), she disposes us in a concrete way to live according to the Spirit of Jesus, the Spirit of the love between God the Father and God the Son, and at the same time the Spirit causes Christ to be born and to grow in us. Taken up to Heaven, Mary did not lay aside this saving office, but by her manifold intercession, continues to bring us the gifts of life and eternal salvation.
Rev. Fr. Anselm Jimoh
The second part of the Lord's Prayer is about our needs and necessities. “Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.” Embedded here are three petitions; the first is a request for one of the basic necessities for the sustenance of life food. The request for food is a request for basic necessity and not a request for luxury. A Christian is called to live well and not to live luxuriously. This is where we need to question the modern day craze for economic and financial breakthrough by Christians that keep them jumping from pillar to post; from one revival today to another crusade tomorrow. It questions particularly the excessively flamboyant life style of some so called men of God, especially in the Pentecostal fold, and now creeping gradually but steadily into the Catholic priesthood. Christianity does not forbid living well and comfortably but, it frowns at materialistic, flamboyant and worldly living.
It is a biblical proven fact that God cares about the basic necessities of human life. This is abundantly shown in the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. He cared about the bodily needs of the crowds that always gathered around him. Several times he fed them, cured their diseases and brought consolation to the afflicted. In Lk.4:18 he declared that he had come to bring relief to the needy and proclaim the Lord's year of favour.
This petition also teaches us to take one day at a time and to give God the provider of all living things His proper place. Modern science can talk about the improvement of seeds for better yield, but it cannot create seeds that will grow and yield a harvest. We can only work on what God has given us, and all living things, come from God alone. We however have to note something else here; we need to work on what we have for it to yield a harvest. So this petition teaches also that prayer and work go hand in hand. When we pray we have to work to make our prayer come to pass. Thus, this petition reminds us that without God we cannot do anything and without us God will not do anything. Finally this petition brings out a salient issue that has been hidden inside the Lord's Prayer from the very beginning; the use of the collective pronoun, “us.” At no point did the Lord's Prayer use the individual “I” or “me” it is always “our” and “us” to tell us that it is not a personal prayer asking for a personal thing. It includes everyone because there is enough for all. In this light, it discourages the disciple from selfishness and self-centredness.
“And forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.” This is no doubt the most frightening petition in the Lord's Prayer and the most demanding of the six petitions. It literarily means forgive us to what degree we forgive others. If we translate this negatively, it would mean, “Do not forgive us if we do not forgive others.” This line of thought runs through the entire New Testament. In Matt.5:7 Jesus specifically states that it is the merciful that is entitled to mercy, and in Matt. 18:23-35, he tells the story of the servant who has been forgiven much by his master but could not even forgive his fellow servant over something so little. His end of course was that he forfeited the forgiveness he had earlier been granted. James 2:13 concludes this trend when he writes; “Judgment is without mercy to one who has not shown mercy.” Our forgiveness of one another is an imperative for receiving forgiveness from God.
“Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from all evil.” In this final petition is the subtle suggestion that God can actually tempt us; for to say “lead us not into temptation” is to say “you can tempt us but please do not tempt us.” If we understand temptation as an attempt to persuade somebody to do what is wrong, it definitely will sound out of place that God will be involved in this. A look at Gen.22:l where some Bible translations stated that God tempted Abraham would leave many of us puzzled. Scripture scholars however hold that the word “tempt” is not used here as we generally understand it, but as a “test.” The Revised Standard Version (RSV) of the Bible, which many scholars think is a more accurate translation than most other versions actually used the word “test.” Within the context of this understanding therefore, when we pray that God should not lead us into temptation, what are we praying for? We are simply asking that God should not subject us to severe test i.e. not to test us beyond our ability. And to add “but deliver us from evil” is to say that even if such severe test comes our way, help us to come through it safely.
It is worthwhile to note that no test is ever meant to break someone, but to make the person tested stronger and fitter. This applies both in the circular and religious world. Every test is to ascertain one's ability and prompt more efforts on the part of the one tested.
On the whole as we see, the Lord's Prayer has six petitions in it, each making its own demand on the disciple who prays the prayer. The first part of the prayer, with three petitions pertains to the glory of God, while the last three have to do with us and our needs. A closer look at the petitions shows an amazing unity of the entire life of man/woman with the Godhead. It reveals that the petitions contained in the second part of the prayer deal with our past, our present, and our future as well as invoke God the Father as creator, sustainer, and provider, the Son as Saviour and redeemer, and the Holy Spirit as comforter and guide. In asking for bread for this day. It brings the present into the presence of God, in asking for forgiveness, it brings the past into the presence of God and in asking for deliverance from temptation and evil, it entrusts the future in to the hands of God. As Barclay puts it, “In these three brief petitions, we are taught to lay the present, the past, and the future before the footstool of the grace of God.” (1975:199).
The Lord's Prayer brings the whole of our life before God and in a marvelous web of unity brings the whole of God to our lives. When we ask for bread, our thoughts go to God the Father, who creates and sustains life. When we ask for forgiveness, our thoughts go to God the Son, the Saviour and redeemer of the world and when we ask for help to handle temptations and avoid evil, our thoughts go to God the Holy Spirit; the comforter, who strengthens us, guides us and enlightens us. Thus Barclay summarizes the Lord's Prayer: "In the most amazing way... the Lord's Prayer takes the present, the past, and the future, the whole of man's life and presents them to God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, to God in all his fullness. In the Lord's Prayer Jesus teaches us to bring the whole of life to the whole of God, and to bring the whole of God to the whole of life.” (ibid.:200). We see that the Lord's Prayer is indeed a disciple's prayer for only a disciple can commit his/her whole life; past, present and future to God. Only a disciple can give God the true and rightful place in his/her life, trusting and committing self to doing the will of God in all things and at all times. “The simplicity and brevity of this prayer suggest a very special, intimate relationship between the petitioner and God. For the person who can pray the Lord's Prayer, the kingdom has already come.” (McBrien, 994:453). We should therefore be careful when next we pray the “Our Father.”
Rev. Fr. Anselm Jimoh
The second part of the Lord's Prayer is about our needs and necessities. “Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.” Embedded here are three petitions; the first is a request for one of the basic necessities for the sustenance of life food. The request for food is a request for basic necessity and not a request for luxury. A Christian is called to live well and not to live luxuriously. This is where we need to question the modern day craze for economic and financial breakthrough by Christians that keep them jumping from pillar to post; from one revival today to another crusade tomorrow. It questions particularly the excessively flamboyant life style of some so called men of God, especially in the Pentecostal fold, and now creeping gradually but steadily into the Catholic priesthood. Christianity does not forbid living well and comfortably but, it frowns at materialistic, flamboyant and worldly living.
It is a biblical proven fact that God cares about the basic necessities of human life. This is abundantly shown in the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. He cared about the bodily needs of the crowds that always gathered around him. Several times he fed them, cured their diseases and brought consolation to the afflicted. In Lk.4:18 he declared that he had come to bring relief to the needy and proclaim the Lord's year of favour.
This petition also teaches us to take one day at a time and to give God the provider of all living things His proper place. Modern science can talk about the improvement of seeds for better yield, but it cannot create seeds that will grow and yield a harvest. We can only work on what God has given us, and all living things, come from God alone. We however have to note something else here; we need to work on what we have for it to yield a harvest. So this petition teaches also that prayer and work go hand in hand. When we pray we have to work to make our prayer come to pass. Thus, this petition reminds us that without God we cannot do anything and without us God will not do anything. Finally this petition brings out a salient issue that has been hidden inside the Lord's Prayer from the very beginning; the use of the collective pronoun, “us.” At no point did the Lord's Prayer use the individual “I” or “me” it is always “our” and “us” to tell us that it is not a personal prayer asking for a personal thing. It includes everyone because there is enough for all. In this light, it discourages the disciple from selfishness and self-centredness.
“And forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.” This is no doubt the most frightening petition in the Lord's Prayer and the most demanding of the six petitions. It literarily means forgive us to what degree we forgive others. If we translate this negatively, it would mean, “Do not forgive us if we do not forgive others.” This line of thought runs through the entire New Testament. In Matt.5:7 Jesus specifically states that it is the merciful that is entitled to mercy, and in Matt. 18:23-35, he tells the story of the servant who has been forgiven much by his master but could not even forgive his fellow servant over something so little. His end of course was that he forfeited the forgiveness he had earlier been granted. James 2:13 concludes this trend when he writes; “Judgment is without mercy to one who has not shown mercy.” Our forgiveness of one another is an imperative for receiving forgiveness from God.
“Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from all evil.” In this final petition is the subtle suggestion that God can actually tempt us; for to say “lead us not into temptation” is to say “you can tempt us but please do not tempt us.” If we understand temptation as an attempt to persuade somebody to do what is wrong, it definitely will sound out of place that God will be involved in this. A look at Gen.22:l where some Bible translations stated that God tempted Abraham would leave many of us puzzled. Scripture scholars however hold that the word “tempt” is not used here as we generally understand it, but as a “test.” The Revised Standard Version (RSV) of the Bible, which many scholars think is a more accurate translation than most other versions actually used the word “test.” Within the context of this understanding therefore, when we pray that God should not lead us into temptation, what are we praying for? We are simply asking that God should not subject us to severe test i.e. not to test us beyond our ability. And to add “but deliver us from evil” is to say that even if such severe test comes our way, help us to come through it safely.
It is worthwhile to note that no test is ever meant to break someone, but to make the person tested stronger and fitter. This applies both in the circular and religious world. Every test is to ascertain one's ability and prompt more efforts on the part of the one tested.
On the whole as we see, the Lord's Prayer has six petitions in it, each making its own demand on the disciple who prays the prayer. The first part of the prayer, with three petitions pertains to the glory of God, while the last three have to do with us and our needs. A closer look at the petitions shows an amazing unity of the entire life of man/woman with the Godhead. It reveals that the petitions contained in the second part of the prayer deal with our past, our present, and our future as well as invoke God the Father as creator, sustainer, and provider, the Son as Saviour and redeemer, and the Holy Spirit as comforter and guide. In asking for bread for this day. It brings the present into the presence of God, in asking for forgiveness, it brings the past into the presence of God and in asking for deliverance from temptation and evil, it entrusts the future in to the hands of God. As Barclay puts it, “In these three brief petitions, we are taught to lay the present, the past, and the future before the footstool of the grace of God.” (1975:199).
The Lord's Prayer brings the whole of our life before God and in a marvelous web of unity brings the whole of God to our lives. When we ask for bread, our thoughts go to God the Father, who creates and sustains life. When we ask for forgiveness, our thoughts go to God the Son, the Saviour and redeemer of the world and when we ask for help to handle temptations and avoid evil, our thoughts go to God the Holy Spirit; the comforter, who strengthens us, guides us and enlightens us. Thus Barclay summarizes the Lord's Prayer: "In the most amazing way... the Lord's Prayer takes the present, the past, and the future, the whole of man's life and presents them to God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, to God in all his fullness. In the Lord's Prayer Jesus teaches us to bring the whole of life to the whole of God, and to bring the whole of God to the whole of life.” (ibid.:200). We see that the Lord's Prayer is indeed a disciple's prayer for only a disciple can commit his/her whole life; past, present and future to God. Only a disciple can give God the true and rightful place in his/her life, trusting and committing self to doing the will of God in all things and at all times. “The simplicity and brevity of this prayer suggest a very special, intimate relationship between the petitioner and God. For the person who can pray the Lord's Prayer, the kingdom has already come.” (McBrien, 994:453). We should therefore be careful when next we pray the “Our Father.”
Cosmas Eshiemokhai
The basic human desires such as success, happiness, security, wealth, love, health and peace are said to be attainable with knowledge, wisdom and understanding. Hence when one has wisdom, knowledge and understanding, it will be well with such a person. It is very significant that these three terms are clearly understood and earnestly sought to guarantee the basic human desires.
Knowledge refers to that which is known about things and ideas. It could also mean that which someone has experienced. On the other hand, understanding means that power of clear thought or intelligence. Therefore understanding refers to the mental ability to reason and analyze what is known or experienced. Hence, understanding is more of the reasoning faculty or the mind, while knowledge is of the reasoning faculty of the mind, while knowledge is of the senses. Knowledge not understood is nonsense to the mind and cannot be retained or consolidated in the memory.
The oxford advance learners dictionary of current English defines wisdom as “the ability to make serious judgment based on one's experience and knowledge or as the quality of being wise” from my own perspective wisdom is seen as the ideal application of the knowledge or experience understood in the proper way at the right time and right situation.
The knowledge, information and experience to be sought for and understood is now the question. Some prefer to seek knowledge and information in entertainment industry. Others choose to dig deep into sport information to enhance themselves with much knowledge in this regard. Yet, many others in their respective fields of discipline are reading for their academic knowledge. Some prefer to follow up information in science and technological development others are into business knowledge. Some are seeking for knowledge about love and relationship, while some are after leadership and political knowledge. Having a good knowledge of these is important for life and should be encouraged, but not at all the expense of the pursuit of the knowledge Christ, the saviour of mankind. You might seem happy, wealthy, healthy and successful, but without knowledge of Christ, then there is a problem some where. In fact, you have no life in you; you only exist not living. This is because every human being has a concern for the spirit nature of man and life after death. These goes a long way to confirm that life is more than eating and drinking, bathing and clothing, singing and dancing, position and wealth, marriage and children and so on and so forth. All these physical things and pleasure are of the world and flesh they will die and perish with the world.
The spirit nature of man connects man with Christ and Christ is the utmost being and the reason for life as Colossians 1:16-17 tells us “for through him God created everything in heaven and earth, the seen and the unseen thing included spiritual powers, Lords, Rulers and authorities. God created the whole universe through him and for him. Christ existed before all things and in union with him all things have their purpose” so life is all about Christ, its all with Christ, its all in Christ and it's all for Christ. All things on the earth have their purpose in him. Hence, if you are not connected with Christ spiritually, you have no purpose on earth, you are just like a walking corpse. In fact, it is better you just die. Also John 17:2-7 says “for you gave him all authorities over humanity so that he might give eternal life to all those you gave him. And eternal life means knowing you the only true God and knowing Jesus Christ whom you sent”. So, if you want to live whether now or beyond, you better search for Christ, get to know him more and more before it is too late. Knowing believing and applying this truth is the utmost wisdom in life. It is significant to note that; telling while lies is not wisdom, “using what you have to get what you don't have” is not wisdom, “playing fast guy” is not wisdom, “chukuli” and “blocking” are no wisdom, but all stupidity because they are all against the will of God. Just get to know Christ, believe him and obey him. Understanding him is important but it is a thing of the Holy Spirit. When you obey and follow his will, you will become filled with the Holy Spirit, then, understanding will follow.
No Christian should deceive him or herself. Though you cannot know Christ enough or completely, but the little you have known about him, how much do you believe in it and how far have you done to practice it? What's your obedience to Christ like, and how deep do you yearn to know him. Remember, he is the life we have. If you are not well or completely connected with him spiritually, you have no life in you and you have no purpose on earth. This is another chance; you better get to know Christ more and more to guarantee your life.
The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. If you have the wisdom of God, it will lead you to the best and most important area to seek for knowledge in life and the priority to follow. If you seek for knowledge in the various field of studies or careers in life, trusting and putting God first, he will bless you with the appropriate knowledge you need and fill you with his divine understanding that will never run dry. Proverb 2:1-8 says “learn what I teach you my son and never forget what I tell you to do. Listen to what is wise and try to understand it. Yes beg for knowledge; plead for insight, look for it as hard as you would for silver and some hidden treasures. If you do, you will know what it is to fear the Lord and you will succeed in learning about God. It is the Lord who gives wisdom, for him comes knowledge and understanding. He provides help and protection for those who are righteous and honest. He protects those who treat others fairly and guide those who are devoted to him”. With this, it is certain that it is in God above one can find peace, happiness, wealth, success, health, hope and life. Learn to know Christ deeper.
Cosmas Eshiemokhai
The basic human desires such as success, happiness, security, wealth, love, health and peace are said to be attainable with knowledge, wisdom and understanding. Hence when one has wisdom, knowledge and understanding, it will be well with such a person. It is very significant that these three terms are clearly understood and earnestly sought to guarantee the basic human desires.
Knowledge refers to that which is known about things and ideas. It could also mean that which someone has experienced. On the other hand, understanding means that power of clear thought or intelligence. Therefore understanding refers to the mental ability to reason and analyze what is known or experienced. Hence, understanding is more of the reasoning faculty or the mind, while knowledge is of the reasoning faculty of the mind, while knowledge is of the senses. Knowledge not understood is nonsense to the mind and cannot be retained or consolidated in the memory.
The oxford advance learners dictionary of current English defines wisdom as “the ability to make serious judgment based on one's experience and knowledge or as the quality of being wise” from my own perspective wisdom is seen as the ideal application of the knowledge or experience understood in the proper way at the right time and right situation.
The knowledge, information and experience to be sought for and understood is now the question. Some prefer to seek knowledge and information in entertainment industry. Others choose to dig deep into sport information to enhance themselves with much knowledge in this regard. Yet, many others in their respective fields of discipline are reading for their academic knowledge. Some prefer to follow up information in science and technological development others are into business knowledge. Some are seeking for knowledge about love and relationship, while some are after leadership and political knowledge. Having a good knowledge of these is important for life and should be encouraged, but not at all the expense of the pursuit of the knowledge Christ, the saviour of mankind. You might seem happy, wealthy, healthy and successful, but without knowledge of Christ, then there is a problem some where. In fact, you have no life in you; you only exist not living. This is because every human being has a concern for the spirit nature of man and life after death. These goes a long way to confirm that life is more than eating and drinking, bathing and clothing, singing and dancing, position and wealth, marriage and children and so on and so forth. All these physical things and pleasure are of the world and flesh they will die and perish with the world.
The spirit nature of man connects man with Christ and Christ is the utmost being and the reason for life as Colossians 1:16-17 tells us “for through him God created everything in heaven and earth, the seen and the unseen thing included spiritual powers, Lords, Rulers and authorities. God created the whole universe through him and for him. Christ existed before all things and in union with him all things have their purpose” so life is all about Christ, its all with Christ, its all in Christ and it's all for Christ. All things on the earth have their purpose in him. Hence, if you are not connected with Christ spiritually, you have no purpose on earth, you are just like a walking corpse. In fact, it is better you just die. Also John 17:2-7 says “for you gave him all authorities over humanity so that he might give eternal life to all those you gave him. And eternal life means knowing you the only true God and knowing Jesus Christ whom you sent”. So, if you want to live whether now or beyond, you better search for Christ, get to know him more and more before it is too late. Knowing believing and applying this truth is the utmost wisdom in life. It is significant to note that; telling while lies is not wisdom, “using what you have to get what you don't have” is not wisdom, “playing fast guy” is not wisdom, “chukuli” and “blocking” are no wisdom, but all stupidity because they are all against the will of God. Just get to know Christ, believe him and obey him. Understanding him is important but it is a thing of the Holy Spirit. When you obey and follow his will, you will become filled with the Holy Spirit, then, understanding will follow.
No Christian should deceive him or herself. Though you cannot know Christ enough or completely, but the little you have known about him, how much do you believe in it and how far have you done to practice it? What's your obedience to Christ like, and how deep do you yearn to know him. Remember, he is the life we have. If you are not well or completely connected with him spiritually, you have no life in you and you have no purpose on earth. This is another chance; you better get to know Christ more and more to guarantee your life.
The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. If you have the wisdom of God, it will lead you to the best and most important area to seek for knowledge in life and the priority to follow. If you seek for knowledge in the various field of studies or careers in life, trusting and putting God first, he will bless you with the appropriate knowledge you need and fill you with his divine understanding that will never run dry. Proverb 2:1-8 says “learn what I teach you my son and never forget what I tell you to do. Listen to what is wise and try to understand it. Yes beg for knowledge; plead for insight, look for it as hard as you would for silver and some hidden treasures. If you do, you will know what it is to fear the Lord and you will succeed in learning about God. It is the Lord who gives wisdom, for him comes knowledge and understanding. He provides help and protection for those who are righteous and honest. He protects those who treat others fairly and guide those who are devoted to him”. With this, it is certain that it is in God above one can find peace, happiness, wealth, success, health, hope and life. Learn to know Christ deeper.
Lady Anetekhai A.O.
Courtship is a very important moment or period in the life of young people who feel called to marriage as a vocation. It can be a very exciting moment indeed in their lives; a moment full of dreams, intimacy, fantasy, etc.
Courtship means different things to different people. To some, it is a moment of genuine search for the “Miss Right” or “Mr. Right” in the lives of young people, towards the call to the holy vocation of marriage. It is a moment of intimacy and formation for the intending couple, therefore, courtship is not marriage. Marriage on the other hand is a holy union between a man and a woman and in the Catholic view, it is a vocation in which the husband (man) and wife (woman) by their life together, can help each other to better arrive at holiness of life.
Uzor in Gidado (2005) put it even better when he defines courtship as
“The time a man gets closer to a girl he intends to marry. And the girl also gets closer to a man she intends to marry”.
This kind of relationship and period of formation is meant to help them know each other fairly well and to understand what marriage is all about whether they are compatible or not before getting married.
Courtship is a delicate period. It is important that involved people should consult God in prayer about what they are going into. They need God's wisdom to guide them in their choice of a future life partner.
Erroneously, courtship to some is a moment of romance, satisfaction of one's emotional needs, exploration of “no go” areas (sex).
The Lord desires His servants to preserve their holy and peculiar character. Never should God's people venture upon "forbidden ground". Marriage between believers and unbelievers is forbidden by God. But too often, the unconverted heart follows its own desires, and marriage unsanctioned by God is formed. Because of this, many men and women are without hope and without God in the world. Listen to the Lord: II Corinthians 6:14-18:
“Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers, for what fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion has light with darkness? And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? And what communion has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God. As God has said: I will dwell in them and walk among them I will be their God and they shall be my people”
Therefore, “Come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, And I will be a father to you, And you shall be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.
Great care should be taken by Christian youths in the formation of friendships and in the choice of companions. Take heed, lest what you now think to be pure Gold turns out to be base metal.
Young people equally need the guidance, prayers and assistance of their parents, marriage educators, Priests, etc during this stage of discernment process.
It is sad to note that young people get into courtship without knowing what it is all about. That is why many do not get the most out of it.
Courtship is a moment of initial formation for marriage. It is not marriage, which as earlier said is a holy union between a husband and wife.
The young persons intending to marry must use this time to educate themselves on what marriage is all about; its meaning, purpose, objectives, joys, challenges, responsibilities, etc. According to Gidado, (2005) it is also a time for prospective couple to test their capability for such a vocation by asking themselves some vital questions such as: Am I really called to a vocation of marriage? Am I physically, emotionally, spiritually and financially ready to embrace marriage?
Physical Fitness: Persons called to vocation of marriage must be healthy and strong enough to courageously embrace the responsibilities and challenges of marriage.
Economic Fitness: People getting into marriage should be economically viable to enable them cater for their needs. They need to have some educational qualification or trade that will make them economically liable. People who marry without being economically fit often fall back on their parents, friends, or colleagues in order to make ends meet. Such people will end up living a stressful married life because they cannot go on begging for life. They need a certain degree of economic autonomy for their sanity and happiness as a couple.
Spiritual Fitness: Spiritual maturity has to do with the ability to establish and maintain a personal relationship with God on which to build your marriage. Such a relationship can help to cultivate some good spiritual values such as thoughtfulness, kindness and trust in divine providence, being always hopeful and optimistic. These qualities will make it easier for you and your partner to live a meaningful and stable married life (cf. Rom 12:1-2; Gal. 5:22-23).
Other temporal values such as beauty, money, charm, social status on which many people base their assessment of a life partner can fail but the above spiritual qualities are everlasting.
Emotional fitness: This is the ability to express emotions appropriately. You need to show affection and care deeply for your proposed spouse and others, face stressful or crisis situations bravely and not wallowing in self-pity at all time.
As you examine yourself using the above questions, strengthen what is good in you and overcome what seems to be weakness that could negatively affect your married life.
Courtship is the time to work at developing some basic qualities that can become the foundation upon which your marriage will be built.
A certain level of maturity in its various dimensions is required, the ability to make and keep commitment, fidelity, courage and the ability to communicate well.
Courtship can be viewed as a journey of discovery in which the intending couples get to know each other's likes and dislikes; temperaments, character, personality, hobbies, strengths, and weaknesses, talents, etc. Time of courtship is good for young people preparing for marriage but can be dangerous if it is not well handled.
Courtship is not marriage, only married couples have right to conjugal sexual life i.e. mutual giving and acceptance of each other's body for the purpose of building up the conjugal community. Carnal intercourse is at the centre of the marriage contract or covenant.
The consummation must be done in a humane way, that is, not with force, fear or induced by drugs or other means against one's will. Sexual activity in marriage has of its nature two principal ends - namely: procreation, and the perfection of the couple themselves in love, peace, unity, communication, enrichment and so forth. So sexual activity in marriage, unlike during courtship is licit and honest provided it is ordered stated above (Mba, 1997). Hear the Lord: read Rom. 12:1-2:
“I besearch you therefore brethren, by the mercies of God that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world; but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God.
Do not allow satan to truncate your destiny, and thus bringing innocent children into existence to share your misery with accumulating wretchedness, from generation to generation.
Those who are contemplating marriage should consider what will be the character and influence of the home they are founding; whether their offspring will possess physical health, mental and moral strength. They should realize that responsibility rests upon them in marriage relation further than this.
If those who chose to enter the marriage relation without due consideration were alone to be the sufferers, then the evil would not be so great and their sin would be comparatively small. But the misery arising from unhappy marriages is felt by the offspring of such unions. They have entailed upon their offspring, life of living misery who though innocent, suffer the consequences of their parents' inconsiderate course.
Let a young man seek one to stand by his side who is fitted to bear her share of life's burdens, one whose influence will enable and refine him, and who will make him happy in her love. cf. Proverbs 31:11; 12:26-28.
Let a young woman accept as a life companion only one who possess pure, manly traits of character, one who is diligent, aspiring and honest, one who loves and fears God.
The woman who desires a peaceful happy union, who would escape future misery and sorrow, inquires before she yields her affections. What has been his past record? Is his life pure? Is the love which he expresses of a noble character or is it a mere emotional fondness? Can she find true peace and joy in his affection? Will she be allowed to preserve her individuality or must her judgment and conscience be subjected to the control of her husband. Will this union increase my love for God?
Conclusively, in courtship take God and your God fearing parents into your counsel, young friends, pray over the matter, weigh … every sentiment and watch every development of character in the one with whom you think to link your life destiny. Realize that the step you are about to take is one of the most important in your life; and should not be taken hastily. While you may love, do not love blindly.
Even if an engagement has been entered into without a full understanding of the character of the one with whom you intend to unite, do not think that the engagement makes it a positive necessity for you to take upon yourself the marriage vow, and link yourself for life to one whom you cannot love and respect. Be very careful how you enter into conditional engagements, but better, far better break the engagement before marriage than separate afterwards, as many do.
The Roman Catholic Church is totally opposed to people cohabiting (living together without being married). Sexual intercourse outside of a marriage is a serious sin and couples who sin in this way cannot receive communion in Church. My young brothers and sisters from the above discussion, I believe that comfortably, we can agree that courtship is not marriage. May God bless and direct you in the choice of a future life partner.
Lady Anetekhai A.O.
Courtship is a very important moment or period in the life of young people who feel called to marriage as a vocation. It can be a very exciting moment indeed in their lives; a moment full of dreams, intimacy, fantasy, etc.
Courtship means different things to different people. To some, it is a moment of genuine search for the “Miss Right” or “Mr. Right” in the lives of young people, towards the call to the holy vocation of marriage. It is a moment of intimacy and formation for the intending couple, therefore, courtship is not marriage. Marriage on the other hand is a holy union between a man and a woman and in the Catholic view, it is a vocation in which the husband (man) and wife (woman) by their life together, can help each other to better arrive at holiness of life.
Uzor in Gidado (2005) put it even better when he defines courtship as
“The time a man gets closer to a girl he intends to marry. And the girl also gets closer to a man she intends to marry”.
This kind of relationship and period of formation is meant to help them know each other fairly well and to understand what marriage is all about whether they are compatible or not before getting married.
Courtship is a delicate period. It is important that involved people should consult God in prayer about what they are going into. They need God's wisdom to guide them in their choice of a future life partner.
Erroneously, courtship to some is a moment of romance, satisfaction of one's emotional needs, exploration of “no go” areas (sex).
The Lord desires His servants to preserve their holy and peculiar character. Never should God's people venture upon "forbidden ground". Marriage between believers and unbelievers is forbidden by God. But too often, the unconverted heart follows its own desires, and marriage unsanctioned by God is formed. Because of this, many men and women are without hope and without God in the world. Listen to the Lord: II Corinthians 6:14-18:
“Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers, for what fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion has light with darkness? And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? And what communion has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God. As God has said: I will dwell in them and walk among them I will be their God and they shall be my people”
Therefore, “Come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, And I will be a father to you, And you shall be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.
Great care should be taken by Christian youths in the formation of friendships and in the choice of companions. Take heed, lest what you now think to be pure Gold turns out to be base metal.
Young people equally need the guidance, prayers and assistance of their parents, marriage educators, Priests, etc during this stage of discernment process.
It is sad to note that young people get into courtship without knowing what it is all about. That is why many do not get the most out of it.
Courtship is a moment of initial formation for marriage. It is not marriage, which as earlier said is a holy union between a husband and wife.
The young persons intending to marry must use this time to educate themselves on what marriage is all about; its meaning, purpose, objectives, joys, challenges, responsibilities, etc. According to Gidado, (2005) it is also a time for prospective couple to test their capability for such a vocation by asking themselves some vital questions such as: Am I really called to a vocation of marriage? Am I physically, emotionally, spiritually and financially ready to embrace marriage?
Physical Fitness: Persons called to vocation of marriage must be healthy and strong enough to courageously embrace the responsibilities and challenges of marriage.
Economic Fitness: People getting into marriage should be economically viable to enable them cater for their needs. They need to have some educational qualification or trade that will make them economically liable. People who marry without being economically fit often fall back on their parents, friends, or colleagues in order to make ends meet. Such people will end up living a stressful married life because they cannot go on begging for life. They need a certain degree of economic autonomy for their sanity and happiness as a couple.
Spiritual Fitness: Spiritual maturity has to do with the ability to establish and maintain a personal relationship with God on which to build your marriage. Such a relationship can help to cultivate some good spiritual values such as thoughtfulness, kindness and trust in divine providence, being always hopeful and optimistic. These qualities will make it easier for you and your partner to live a meaningful and stable married life (cf. Rom 12:1-2; Gal. 5:22-23).
Other temporal values such as beauty, money, charm, social status on which many people base their assessment of a life partner can fail but the above spiritual qualities are everlasting.
Emotional fitness: This is the ability to express emotions appropriately. You need to show affection and care deeply for your proposed spouse and others, face stressful or crisis situations bravely and not wallowing in self-pity at all time.
As you examine yourself using the above questions, strengthen what is good in you and overcome what seems to be weakness that could negatively affect your married life.
Courtship is the time to work at developing some basic qualities that can become the foundation upon which your marriage will be built.
A certain level of maturity in its various dimensions is required, the ability to make and keep commitment, fidelity, courage and the ability to communicate well.
Courtship can be viewed as a journey of discovery in which the intending couples get to know each other's likes and dislikes; temperaments, character, personality, hobbies, strengths, and weaknesses, talents, etc. Time of courtship is good for young people preparing for marriage but can be dangerous if it is not well handled.
Courtship is not marriage, only married couples have right to conjugal sexual life i.e. mutual giving and acceptance of each other's body for the purpose of building up the conjugal community. Carnal intercourse is at the centre of the marriage contract or covenant.
The consummation must be done in a humane way, that is, not with force, fear or induced by drugs or other means against one's will. Sexual activity in marriage has of its nature two principal ends - namely: procreation, and the perfection of the couple themselves in love, peace, unity, communication, enrichment and so forth. So sexual activity in marriage, unlike during courtship is licit and honest provided it is ordered stated above (Mba, 1997). Hear the Lord: read Rom. 12:1-2:
“I besearch you therefore brethren, by the mercies of God that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world; but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God.
Do not allow satan to truncate your destiny, and thus bringing innocent children into existence to share your misery with accumulating wretchedness, from generation to generation.
Those who are contemplating marriage should consider what will be the character and influence of the home they are founding; whether their offspring will possess physical health, mental and moral strength. They should realize that responsibility rests upon them in marriage relation further than this.
If those who chose to enter the marriage relation without due consideration were alone to be the sufferers, then the evil would not be so great and their sin would be comparatively small. But the misery arising from unhappy marriages is felt by the offspring of such unions. They have entailed upon their offspring, life of living misery who though innocent, suffer the consequences of their parents' inconsiderate course.
Let a young man seek one to stand by his side who is fitted to bear her share of life's burdens, one whose influence will enable and refine him, and who will make him happy in her love. cf. Proverbs 31:11; 12:26-28.
Let a young woman accept as a life companion only one who possess pure, manly traits of character, one who is diligent, aspiring and honest, one who loves and fears God.
The woman who desires a peaceful happy union, who would escape future misery and sorrow, inquires before she yields her affections. What has been his past record? Is his life pure? Is the love which he expresses of a noble character or is it a mere emotional fondness? Can she find true peace and joy in his affection? Will she be allowed to preserve her individuality or must her judgment and conscience be subjected to the control of her husband. Will this union increase my love for God?
Conclusively, in courtship take God and your God fearing parents into your counsel, young friends, pray over the matter, weigh … every sentiment and watch every development of character in the one with whom you think to link your life destiny. Realize that the step you are about to take is one of the most important in your life; and should not be taken hastily. While you may love, do not love blindly.
Even if an engagement has been entered into without a full understanding of the character of the one with whom you intend to unite, do not think that the engagement makes it a positive necessity for you to take upon yourself the marriage vow, and link yourself for life to one whom you cannot love and respect. Be very careful how you enter into conditional engagements, but better, far better break the engagement before marriage than separate afterwards, as many do.
The Roman Catholic Church is totally opposed to people cohabiting (living together without being married). Sexual intercourse outside of a marriage is a serious sin and couples who sin in this way cannot receive communion in Church. My young brothers and sisters from the above discussion, I believe that comfortably, we can agree that courtship is not marriage. May God bless and direct you in the choice of a future life partner.
By Bishop G. G. Dunia (Auchi Diocese)
Nigeria is an entity which is a distinctive portion of the surface of the earth. Within it there are both animate and inanimate objects: there are climatic and geographical conditions and features. Amongst the animate objects within Nigeria, there are human and non-human beings.
Now, it must be obviously understandable that it is the life and activities of the human beings within Nigeria, called Nigerians, which basically give or make a recognized and recognizable, definite identity or mark otherwise referred to as 'Brand' or 'Rebrand' of Nigeria and Nigerians as an entity and a people respectively.
Consequent upon the above understanding, it follows that it is the totality of the stuff human, moral, intellectual, and spiritual of which Nigerians are made which necessarily determine the quality of life and activities of Nigerians.
Ontogenically, that is from the fertilization of the ovum to the maturity of every Nigerian, the stuff of every Nigerian is already ontologically, that is in essence, determined by the interactivity between the genotypical qualities (that is the qualities of a particular set of genes) and the environmental factors. It is this interactivity between the genotypical qualities and the environmental factors which gives birth to the product called phenotype or phonotypical qualities that are observable characterizes of the Nigerian person
Now, if the foundation of the Nigerian person has essentially been laid genotypically (inherited characteristics wise), it means that what are needed to manifest and establish progressive, excellent, qualitative, observable characteristics in the Nigerian person are the creation and provision of excellent quality environmental factors within the entity called Nigeria.
Therefore, in order to unveil the excellent original quality of the brand of which the Nigerian has been inherently made, the creation and provision of excellent qualitative environmental factors as well as healing and sanitation of the deformity, erosion and soiling of the already made ones must be individually and collectively effected with all radical intent by all and sundry.
For me, I wish to emphantically repeat and state that it is the creation and provision of the required environmental factors as well as the healing and sanitation of the deformity, erosion and soiling of the existing environmental factors with which the genotypical qualities of the Nigerian must necessarily interact in order to produces excellent, observable qualities characteristics that we should be initiating in all ramifications instead of talking rebranding Nigeria and Nigerians.
On the whole, in order to achieve the admirable and desirable brand of Nigeria and Nigerian, the creation and provision of the perfect states of the health of the genotypical qualities and the environmental factors as well as the healing and sanitation of the deformity and erosion of the states of both already existing categories must be pursued. These duties and obligations must be the indispensable preoccupation of all Nigerians and it must first and foremost be incumbent on the civil, political, traditional, religious and other leadership at all levels.
However if what we have stated here is what rebranding means so be it, but if not, let the struggle continue.
By Bishop G. G. Dunia (Auchi Diocese)
Nigeria is an entity which is a distinctive portion of the surface of the earth. Within it there are both animate and inanimate objects: there are climatic and geographical conditions and features. Amongst the animate objects within Nigeria, there are human and non-human beings.
Now, it must be obviously understandable that it is the life and activities of the human beings within Nigeria, called Nigerians, which basically give or make a recognized and recognizable, definite identity or mark otherwise referred to as 'Brand' or 'Rebrand' of Nigeria and Nigerians as an entity and a people respectively.
Consequent upon the above understanding, it follows that it is the totality of the stuff human, moral, intellectual, and spiritual of which Nigerians are made which necessarily determine the quality of life and activities of Nigerians.
Ontogenically, that is from the fertilization of the ovum to the maturity of every Nigerian, the stuff of every Nigerian is already ontologically, that is in essence, determined by the interactivity between the genotypical qualities (that is the qualities of a particular set of genes) and the environmental factors. It is this interactivity between the genotypical qualities and the environmental factors which gives birth to the product called phenotype or phonotypical qualities that are observable characterizes of the Nigerian person
Now, if the foundation of the Nigerian person has essentially been laid genotypically (inherited characteristics wise), it means that what are needed to manifest and establish progressive, excellent, qualitative, observable characteristics in the Nigerian person are the creation and provision of excellent quality environmental factors within the entity called Nigeria.
Therefore, in order to unveil the excellent original quality of the brand of which the Nigerian has been inherently made, the creation and provision of excellent qualitative environmental factors as well as healing and sanitation of the deformity, erosion and soiling of the already made ones must be individually and collectively effected with all radical intent by all and sundry.
For me, I wish to emphantically repeat and state that it is the creation and provision of the required environmental factors as well as the healing and sanitation of the deformity, erosion and soiling of the existing environmental factors with which the genotypical qualities of the Nigerian must necessarily interact in order to produces excellent, observable qualities characteristics that we should be initiating in all ramifications instead of talking rebranding Nigeria and Nigerians.
On the whole, in order to achieve the admirable and desirable brand of Nigeria and Nigerian, the creation and provision of the perfect states of the health of the genotypical qualities and the environmental factors as well as the healing and sanitation of the deformity and erosion of the states of both already existing categories must be pursued. These duties and obligations must be the indispensable preoccupation of all Nigerians and it must first and foremost be incumbent on the civil, political, traditional, religious and other leadership at all levels.
However if what we have stated here is what rebranding means so be it, but if not, let the struggle continue.
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