Thursday, February 10, 2011


A home is the “Social unit formed by a family living together”. Though deeper in essence than this definition, there is a fundamental truth about the home. It takes two or more to make a home, i.e. a man and a woman living together in mutual and sacramental relationship. Hence, scriptures put it that “therefore, a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife and they become one flesh” (cf. Matt. 19:5) with this a home is established. The two moving from man and woman merge in sacramental union to be husband and wife. Hence, they form a home.
However, the home is the source or fountain of warm love wherefrom life emerges and cradles it through its vulnerable years, nurturing it for the world. The aftermath of the union of this warm love result in the generation of offspring according to God's mind as found in the creation story. Children born to the home are a gift of God and they must be guided to know and serve God in truth, for the scriptures says, 'teach a child the way of the Lord and when he matures he will not depart from it.' [cf. Sir 30:1]
The home is the cradle of life. It is in the home that family life begins, is nurtured and sustained. As such, the home is the cradle of existence.
Love as a necessary element of existence radiates from the home. This gives every member of the family the sense of responsibility for growth in themselves, the Church and humanity. However, a Christian home brings together a group of people called together by God to care for one another, share common values and to be committed to a life style that respects everyone and the tenets of the faith. A Christian home experiences Christ's presence, to strengthen and encourage others in carrying out Christ mission of implanting this word.
To do this effectively, every home needs that spiritual weapon called PRAYERS, for a family that prays together co-exists together. With prayers, the mission and task of every Christian home, evangelization of souls, is well nurtured and prepared for God's kingdom.

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