Rev. Fr. Francis Ikhanosime
Tackling the issue of HIV/AIDS has been an issue for many pro-health organization and institutions. Many ways to tackle it have been proffered since the virus has defied medical cure. There have been two polarities in tackling the problem. These I can categorize as conservative protectionists and liberal protectionists. We can also categorize them into pro-faith and anti-faith. Exciting in both perspectives is that both claim to aim at one cause. Whereas, one group is concerned about the means and ends, one is concerned about the means alone and not the effect or remote implications of their process. Basic also among these too are platitudes that have been advanced. The conservative protectionists talk of AB approach, while the liberal protectionists talk of ABC approach. The former is an advocacy for Abstinence and Be Faithful; the latter however talks of the ABC approach of Abstinence, Be faithful and Condom. I shall in this short piece revisit the rich reposition of the AB platitude as a sure means of HIV total annihilation.
HIV which is a Human immuno-deficiency virus is the lesser of AIDS; Acquired Immune Deficieny Syndrome, the full blown stage of HIV, is an incurable disease. It is a hemal virus; that is a virus contracted by blood. So, most of the ways of contraction is by means that have to do with the blood. Like, sex, the use of piercing instruments, breast feeding, mother-child transmission by birth, etc. It is in this regard, pro-health organizations who have recognized the realities of this virus have adopted different ways of prevention, or reduction since cure has an illusive future. It is on this plain, we make a leap on the AB approach. The foremost proponent of the AB approach is the Catholic Church and a specific forerunner in this regard is the pro-life group.
The A in the platitude first represents the higher in the hierarchy of relevance and preference in HIV/AIDS reduction methodology. This talks of Abstinence. By abstinence, we talk of a refrain from an indulgence. Now, the indulgence talked here takes cognizance that sex, statistically speaking is the highest form of contracting this deadly disease, while others combined form an insignificant fraction of less than a tenth of the whole of sexual contraction. Abstinence therefore, is recognition of this fact, and so the Church says, don't indulge in sex. This is no more than a reiteration of the Church's old theology and advocacy that sex before marriage is improper and sinful. Thus, sex which is not a conjugal communion permitted by sacred injunction among unmarried people and should be abstained from.
Abstinence consequently is in reference to unmarried people from whom this virus is allegedly populated and canonized. HIV/AIDS is no more than a pillory on the institution of marriage. This is so because; the actions and activities proper to the institutions have been hijacked. It is pertinent to claim here, that this is the most distinguishing factor of the institution (sex here covers the act of procreation which is the end; all sexual unions are geared towards). This is so because, companionship can even be achieved outside of marriage, taking Priesthood for instance or some who have made themselves singles not in any ecclesiastical institution or purpose. One can rightly then question, since sex has been hijacked by unmarried people, going into marriage in the future is more than a fulfillment of social requirement or societal expectation. Marriage thus is just but a clever foolery of the self for such a typically sexually indulgent unmarried fellow.
Abstinence, should also be understood within the context of 'being careful'. Here, the Church gives accommodation to the insignificant other by which Aids is contracted. Since, it can be contracted by other means, the Church says be careful, and be wary of unhealthy behaviours. This would mean, an individual be careful of what he is injected with, how long he kisses a woman, (it is said, kissing a person with HIV/AIDS for more than 1hour or that the consumption of spittle up to a glassful is enough for the contraction), prevention of Mother to child Transmission (PMCT), etc are healthy ways of prevention. This is Abstinence further defined. Abstinence thus is abstain, be careful.
The B in the platitude is 'Be faithful'. I wish to admit quickly that while the Church gave accommodation to unmarried people for HIV reduction; it also gave accommodation to reduction among Married people. Sad enough, is that the 'be faithful' platitude advocated for married people has been hijacked too by young people. It has been misconstrued for faithfulness between two unmarried young people of opposite sex. Palpably, the reason for this hijack is that the 'B' in the platitude of the liberal protectionists is 'Be Faithful' also but fidelity with one's partner. The Church notes here stoically that extra-marital sex is not just a reality but common to among restless adult people who are married. Although, AIDS is no good news to us, it deadliness of the disease is suppose to have scared people to be more cautious. This however is not the case. The Church says now, stay with your wife alone. Take note that this is also not a completely new theology. Scripture says in Genesis, from the beginning, God created man, male and female He created them (Cf. Gen. 1:27-28). The expression of gender is in the singular not in the plural or the like. It is not meant to read: male and females; or males and female. That is, one in the singular and the other in plural or vice versa. Fidelity is thus, an action between one man and one woman.
The Church has put forward the fundamentals of HIV reduction. I am strongly of the opinion that it is the advocacy of the liberal protectionists that has in fact fertilized the thriving of the HIV pandemic and at best its spread. This is so because, to promote contraceptive is to promote illicit sex which is not the aim but which it inadvertently gives credence to. The reason for this is the belief that sex in realism is an insurmountable moral problem. This is a leftist opinion about morality. To despair in the fight of any sought and particularly on a moral issue like sexual abstinence is to be steadily steeped on perdition and an eventual and well prepared self immolation. Let us analyse the method put forward by these liberal protectionist for 'C' platitude. They begin by saying abstain from sex. If you cannot abstain, then be faithful to one and if you cannot be faithful then use condom or contraceptive. Apart from the inherent weakness of the argument for contraception, the force upon which they make the postulation for a preceding one is despairing. Since they recognize that 'if you cannot abstain', then,… most people would usually want to experiment all the options. This is what has demystified the moral dogma of sexual abstinence before marriage and sex.
The ABC approach is seen to be fraught with inconsistencies and in fact achieves an end which it fights itself. This is why we fall back to the AB approach of the Church. Although the options are not novel, if practiced, they are more likely to bring about a healthy reduction to HIV and it will help the unmarried as well as married people to develop healthy behaviours. Doing this is keeping the promise and stopping Aids. This is the theme of this year's World Aids day theme. We must spread the message, not the virus.
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